At this time, I am offering 10 different quilt styles:
I personally work with my customers from start to finish. Each quilt is machine stitched and quilted by me, using only 100% cotton, quilter’s-quality fabrics to prevent shrinkage and discoloration during laundering.
When I got engaged myself, I tried to think of something meaningful I could give my wedding party. It had to be something that would last practically forever but also something that they could use. As an unemployed bride-to-be, I decided to put my creativity to work and came up with the idea of personalized picture quilts. Inspired by the beautiful picture quilts in the movie STEPMOM, I got busy designing and creating my own quilts to give my bridesmaids, future husband, flower girl, and future mother-in-law. When my fiance got wind of the idea (of course, I omitted the part about HIS quilt), he suggested I offer my services to other brides who might be looking for unique and personalized wedding party gifts.
My mother began teaching me to quilt when I was about six (we completed a "Rail Fence" block together for her sampler quilt). However, it wasn't until I was 25 that I discovered I truly had my own passion for quilting. From the first moment I took the hobby up again, I was hooked! Many, many quilts later, I am now sharing my creations with other brides... and LOVING IT!!!
Imagine sleeping beneath your most treasured memories... That is the inspiration behind these unique gift quilts for bridesmaids, flower girls, mothers-of-the-Bride, future mothers-in-law, brides, grooms, and more... I offer quilts for weddings, anniversaries, and babies... if you have an occasion, we can make a quilt to suit your needs. Quilts can be made in almost any color or theme and, depending on your preferences, can incorporate pictures, mementos, and/or personalized notes to loved ones.
In most instances, quilts can be made in 8 to 10 weeks. If you would like pricing information or are interested in having quilts made, please email me at Bronte0320@aol.com. Please check back soon for updates and additional information!
Eight years ago, I was in my sister's wedding, and she gave each of her bridesmaids a pair of earrings to wear in the wedding. These earrings were not cheap, and they were very pretty, but before long, the earrings had tarnished. Today, I don’t even know where they are. While I valued the earrings because they were from my sister, I really wish that I had a lasting memento from that time.
I am really proud of my work and wanted to show off some pictures of quilts I have made in the past.
(*Please note: These quilt styles are not for sale.)
**Site is still UNDER CONSTRUCTION so please bear with me... :-)